How to upgrade in pieces - or - tell me about your journey!


I am getting started on my journey into Hifi here and I would be willing to spend about 10k over the course of a couple of years to get my system from where it is today to something a step or two above. I intend for my system to always be a stereo system at heart and also for it to stay all digital (no intention of tape, tuner or vinyl - or eveb a CD player).

My current systems is a Sonos playing Tidal or lossless FLAC files from a NAS drive. The audio outputs of the Sonos get connected to a Jolida JD-202A which is a 40W class AB tube integrated. The speakers are Energy floorstanders.

I am happy for how the system sounds with a limited number of things - such as vocal heavy folk or classic rock (pre-70s) recorded in mono. It sounds integrated across the drivers with no one element of the speaker standing out. The soundstage is narrow, but the imaging is not bad.

Unfortunately, a vast majority of the music I listen to includes
  • A lot of baroque music. So the orchestra sizes are relatively small, but the vocals and melody lines are very nimble and need to be easy to follow for the counterpoint to show.
  • modern electronic music - not dance floor fillers - but more experimental stuff ranging from IDM (Autechre, Chris Clark, Squarepusher) to ambient (Brian Eno, Max Richter)
  • A good bit of classic jazz from the Miles Davis, Coltrane, Ornette Coleman and Herbie Hancock school.
  • Lots of modern pop & rock - including bands like Wilco, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Sufjan Stevens, The National, Nine Inch Nails and Radiohead who include pretty much whatever the hell they want in their music.
My goals are to get a cohesive & well-integrated sound with lots of growl in the lower frequencies and a lots of treble with no "heat" or sizzle to give that sense of extreme clarity. Imaging & dynamics are more important than a massive soundstage, though I would like off axis sound to not be completely unlistenable so that me & a couple of friends can all sit or stand by the couch and enjoy the music. I am much more interested in clear, fast and articulate bass and to have that which exists have power rather than the speaker trying to reproduce things they are going to do a terrible job at. I am happy to supplement my speakers with a JL or REL sub in the future.

So based on wanting to hear the clarity I hear in my headphones (HD650 with a headphone amp) with a similar amount of articulate bass, I want to upgrade my main stereo system in pieces. I want to go about it in the following fashion, knowing that there will be times in the middle of the process where the system will be less than ideal.

  • First, purchase a DAC (looking at the Ayre Codex) & start feeding the Sonos output through that into the amplifier.
  • Second, upgrade the speakers. I am looking to eventually end up with fairly high power solid state, so I am considering the Revel F206 or F208 speakers. I know they will fail to deliver much with my amp and be on the quiet side, but I hope that once I swap out the amp, they will start to sing.
  • Third, find a power amp that can do at least 200W into 8 ohms. Perhaps the Bryston 4BSST2, Plinius, Parasound A21 or Benchmark power amp. Or maybe even a Mcintosh 402. Connect the DAC-pre directly into it via XLR to drive the speakers.
  • Fourth, replace the sonos with a Aurelic Aeries Mini and use the USB out of that device into the Ayre Codex as I hear that it makes a much better sound.
  • Lastly, consider putting a pre-amplifier into the path if necessary and I need expansion options (or if the sound quality of the dac suffers badly due to chopped off bits at low volumes)

So my final system would likely look like

Aurelic Aeries (Mini) -> Ayre Codex DAC -> (Ayre Pre-amp) -> Bryston/Parasound/Plinius/Benchmark/Mcintosh amp -> Revel Performa 3 F208.

I expect this whole process to last me about a couple of years.

Does this sound like a journey worth embarking upon? Anything there that sounds to like it would be a really dumb idea?

Showing 21 responses by badri

@jl35 I have heard the codex alone in isolation, yes. Also, the speakers (the revel f208). That is why those pieces I am more certain of - and for everything in the future, I have names and lists and ideas more than clearly identified pieces.

What I was really looking for feedback on is if the path seems like a reasonable one to take, given I don’t have a ton of cash to spend right now buying the whole rig (even if I knew all the exact pieces I wanted, which I don’t).

So based on that, I wanted to know what any of the experienced folks on here thought of this approach.

For example, I know that the Revel speakers will need a WHOLE lot more power than my amp to sound good. So while I am running them with my existing amp, I will need to make sure I don’t attempt to drive the amp too hard and hurt the speakers by clipping.

So I am looking for guidance/warnings/gotchas along those lines - or maybe your own experiences on how you built your system piece by piece.
@jl35 Thank you confirming with the idea of starting with the speakers and building the system around those.

Have you tried or heard the Revel Performa 3 F208? I am concerned that in the transition period between getting the speakers and replacing the amplifier, I will be stuck in a very lean and thin sounding world :) - but I guess such is the price to pay for being on an upgrade journey!
@mapman I do not know exactly which speakers they are since I got them second hand from a friend who was disposing off stuff from his basement. ;) They look almost exactly like the C-300 images that I can see online.

They have one mid-range/woofer driver and 1-tweeter. I cannot find any other 2-way, 2-driver floorstanding designs in the current Energy lineup, so I can only assume that it is the discontinued C-300.

The room is roughly 13'x13'. So overall around 150~160sq ft. However, it has two doors that open out into a bedroom and a kitchen - both of which are large spaces which are about 160sq ft and 150sq ft respectively. The door to the kitchen, at least, is always open. The speakers will be about 2 ft from the back wall and about 3 ft from side walls.

The bass as it stands just feels muffled and plods along like a someone is plopping a giant bag of sand every time there is a kick-drum in the recording. With deep basslines, I expect to hear clarity, growl and movement and instead I head muffled thuds. The whole things just seems to move like it has heavy chains tied to it's feet.

This is why I want the speakers to produce the bass that they do clearly, with speed and slam. What they do not want to produce, I will be happy to augment with a good sub in the future.
@mapman The floor is - as you suspect - a suspended plywood floor on the second level (1st floor if you are from the UK). I live in an apartment. There is no carpeting - so it is all hardwood. 

Also, by isolating the speakers, do mean using screws or spikes?
@jafant Thank you so much for your kind words. Will definitely update this forum. And at any rate, listening to my shortlist is exactly what I intended to do! :)

My thread was specifically about the order in which I was about to go down the road was good or problematic for some reason. i.e. is picking the speaker you like the sound of, regardless of current amplifier, and then upgrading the electronics to bring out the best in speaker the best way to go? Should I be okay if I connect my DAC to a power amp directly? etc.

Those are the bits I would like advise on. I would appreciate any insight you could provide. :)

@jl35 Unfortunately, that is what is slightly problematic. I cannot evaluate the speaker at home since the dealer doesn't allow for home demos. Would the smaller 206 fare better? I did not hear that model, but is it similar enough in sound that one could just move a step lower in size?
@mapman That’s fantastic advise. I will definitely put those on order. Amazon is having some issues with their checkout process right this very moment - but I will try to get those pads as soon as I can checkout my cart. Would I need spikes on top of that pad too?

Also, thank you so much for your guess on not needing very large speakers. From what I can see, the Revel F208 are bigger than the speakers I have, but not too big for the room. Is there anything short of actually buying them that I can do to see how they would behave in my room? Do I have to rely on a kind dealer that will actually let me test them in my house? The ones I heard them at here in San Francisco said that they do not allow in-home testing. :(
@jond Thank you for confirming that a DAC connected to the Sonos improves the output. I long suspected that, but it is nice to have it confirmed - especially since the folks on the sonos forums are so adamant to even acknowledge that it is possible.
@xti16 Thanks you so much for once again confirming the speaker-first approach!
@ccolby Thank you so much for your response. I am definitely of the former sort. Music is what makes me happy, not the gear. So I am much more interested in the best gear I can afford with the intention of keeping them for many many years to come.

What is the real benefit of active monitors? Why would you recommend them over the conventional passive speakers? I am more than happy to wait, and to learn more about them. I have, to date, only known active speakers to be of the tinny, nasty sort that one connects to their computer. I had no idea there were audiophile quality active speakers out there. I looked up the Kii Three based on your response - but are there other active speakers and brands out there that I should look into?

I have been in touch with folks at Audio Vision & Music Lovers here in San Francisco. I have tried out the Paradigm 75F, the KEF LS 50 and the Revel with one or the other.
@mapman Amazon was back working this morning and I was able to put the order in for those pads. Thank you so much for your recommendation! Those pads should be arriving by Friday - so I should have the weekend to set things up and give them a listen. Very excited to see what comes of them. Thank you so much once again! :)
@kjweisner I see that the Meridian 5200 are another active speaker pair. Thanks for pointing me in that direction!
@ccolby Thank you so much for those links. Will definitely read up on those. I have been recommended active speakers every now and then, but I did not have the material I wanted to read more about high quality active speakers till now. Sincerely appreciate you taking the time to help out with this.
@jl35 Will get back in touch with them. Thank you so much!

In the meantime, a couple of pairs of Totem Mani-2s have shown up here on the 'gon store. I have heard these (with much better amplification, of course) at a friend's place. I have written to the sellers about these. Do you happen to know off the back of your head if these would be better for smaller spaces?
@mapman In case of bookshelf or stand-mounted speakers, do you place the whole stand on the sub-dude platform? Or do you place the sub-dude between the top of the stand and the speaker?
@1extreme I do intend to keep my tube amp. But I don't have the space to stash the set of speakers in my average sized San Francisco apartment. So I might have to make some compromises there despite how attractive two systems sound. :)

Thanks once again for confirming that the output of the Sonos improves with a DAC. Did you get your Sonos modded by Wyred4Sound? What output are you using to connect your DAC to your Sonos? What is the improvement that you notice?
@mapman The platforms should arrive today. Will update this thread with the results of using them! Very excited! :)
@mapman You are dead right about the sub-dudes. They make a fairly dramatic difference to the sound quality. With them under my speakers, the amount of bass is vastly reduced, but it is now a lot tighter & faster, which is exactly what I wanted! Thanks so much for the tip!

That said, the limitations of my speaker (where it compresses oddly when driven past even moderate volumes) are still exactly what they are. But now I have a much more accurate view of it's deficiencies rather than being bothered by the fat and plodding bass.
@1extreme Ah, I see! What sort of streamer are you looking at? A mac mini + plex/jriver or a dedicated streamer?

I just got my ayre codex and auralic aries mini yesterday. The soundstage is massively different already though both components need some burn in time - about 20 hours for the mini and 200 for the codex. I am connecting the DAC to the mini over USB and my TV goes into the optical input on the DAC. Loving the differences it has made already! :)
@ejr1953 Thank you so much for sharing that. In a sense, I think we might be on a similar trajectory, in that I started with the source first. Getting a lossless stream to a good quality DAC has already made a big difference in sound. Since the rest of the chain can only show what the source provides, I think you going for a good SACD player and me for a good n/w streamer and a good DAC are similar in that sense.

You seem to have a rather lovely system now. I know McIntosh gets polarising reviews on here, but what a system sounds like is a personal thing between your system and your ears. I hope you are enjoying yours!

As for me, I look forward to moving to my speakers next. :)