How to tell if Raidho ribbon tweeter is damaged?

Hi All,
Please advise if it is normal for the ribbon tweeter of Raidho X1/X2 to have creases at the bottom end.
The speaker was bought some years ago and has no warranty anymore.
If the creases means damage and would affect sound quality (though it is not easily noticeable), kindly share how much it costs to repair or replace.

Showing 2 responses by oldhvymec

Most ribbons you can see the blown ribbon. They normally just quit working. A planar sometimes will make noise when they delaminate.

If you can’t hear it, pull it, and check resistance with an DMM. If it check out, go BACK check the wires, check the XO..

Happy hunting..
OP I watched the video. It shows the right tension. You blow on the ribbon at low speed on COOL and look at the flex. It uses shrink material at either end.

If I was going to retention I would look at the amount one end or the other was already shrunk, heat the one with the least amount first. It won't take much, that's for sure.

Like any shrink material, it get brittle the more you heat it and it cools..
