How to tell if lp is recorded with phase reversed?

I'm just wondering what is the best tipoff that an lp is recorded with phase reversed. I have a PS Audio GCPH, so reversing phase is easily accomplished. I have listened both ways, on some lp's it seems to sound better with phase reversed, but what are the obvious signs, or are there any? Thanks, Dan
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Showing 2 responses by piedpiper

Phase can't be screwed up, beyond reversal, during mastering. It is in the recording and mixing that different mic feeds can be reversed individually. Also, if more than one mic is used simultaneously on a given "take", they can conflict with each other, creating timing confusion and comb filtering of different frequencies between the mic pick up patterns. Subtler phase issues can arise within the pickup pattern of one mic due to impulse reponse anomalies although this is not usually discussed as a phase issue per se.

All this is to say that some recordings are phase coherent within themselves but are reversed from absolute phase, and some are confused within themselves which makes it difficult or impossible to determine and correct. In the case of the former, the difference is a sensation of "hollowness" , lack of dynamics and bass impact.

that's if the two channels are out of phase from each other, ie. if one of your speaker's wires are reversed. No relation to what we've been talking about.