How to start assemble a system

Hi All,

New to this forum and would like some thoughts. I currently have a pair of Kappa 9s, Kappa 8s and Polk SDA-SRS. I'm driving the 9s with a pair of Denon POA-6600 for the lows and a pair of Sony's Vfet bridge mono for the highs. The system sounds very good, but the upgrade bugs bit me so I would like to sell all of my stuff and start a new system. My question is should I pick a pair of speakers first then the electronics or the other way around. I'm thinking of getting a used pair Von Schweikert VR4-SR, Legacy Focus or there is a nice pair of Infinity IRS Epsilon. Would these speakers sound better than what I have right now and how much better? I like almost any kind of music from hard rock to classical, jazz except Rap and hardcore country music. I like the 9s better than the Polks, the mid and highs and sound staging are a lot better then the Polks but the Polks are easier to drive and have much better bass. THanks in advance for your inputs.

Showing 1 response by pragmatist

I would start with the listening room and a budget.

It seems to me that getting right the acoustics of the room first is helpfull,whatever else you select,in whatever order,for whatever amount of money.