How to Solve Duplicate File Problem on iTunes

I find that I have three or four copies show up in my itunes folder for just about every album I have. Itransferred all my CDs to itunes (Apple Lossless format) a couple of years ago. The only exceptions are recent files I added (new CDs). Is there a way to remove these duplicate references? I'm not sure why they're showing up. I have had one or two harddrive fails, and I created a backup directory for music at one point, which have have had something to do with it - but it should be a backup, not a duplicate.

Any help would be apprecaited in knowing how to remove these dupes, and on keeping proper backup going forwrd.

Am using a PC, iTunes, all Apple Lossless files. Am also open to changing to another interface as long as it's convenient. I do like the itunes remote access via iphone though..
I've been using iTunes since version 1 and have never had a duplicate file problem. I've always run it on a Mac platform and I'm currently using versions 9 and 10. Is the duplication issue something specific to Windows?

It's mandatory to have backups of your iTunes library and music files before implementing a software upgrade. If you cannot undo it, you shouldn't do it.
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The software (old DOS interface) has a itunes_remove_duplicates action.

My version 10 generates duplicates all the time

Very intersting post -thanks for posting duplicate remover utilities. Will try them

I have the same issue on my Mac powerbook using iTunes. Seems t have come about through backups and changing libraries (I tried using an NAS for awhile, gave up.) I wanted to get most of my music off my laptop. Changing libraries every time was a pain, and it was hard to rip a cd to the right library. I now have 3 libraries on the laptop, keep trying to consolidate, and it's like whack a mole.

In reaction, ive been experimenting with Vortexbox ( and love it. It's Linux based, and includes squeezebox server. You can use an old PC and create a nice music server for free in about 15 minutes. Can also work as an NAS for iTunes.

Eventually Iget a higher end vortex box based server like Sonore and just use MOG and streaming radio on the laptop.
iTunes thinks multiple artists on the same album should have another cover folder. There is a way to resolve this in preferences.

How, exactly? I do not have the duplicate file problem, but the breaking up albums drives me crazy.

Glad your foray into computer audio is progressing, Albert.


When you do a GET INFO for an album there is a space for ARTIST and another for ALBUM ARTIST. Most of the time whoever loads the data for an album with multiple artists puts the names in the ARTIST field.

I have a Richard Thompson box set that on some songs the artist is just him, some listed with and his ex-wife, and some with bands he was in. If you sort by ARTIST you get multiple albums, but if you put just his name in the ALBUM ARTIST field and sort by ALBUM ARTIST then it shows as one album.

To sort by ALBUM ARTIST cick on the ARTIST column and it will change.

Also useful to clean up the artist list if you have someone who records with a lot of different people. I have a bunch of Itzach Perlman albums that have him with another artist or orchestra. By putting his name in the ALBUM ARTIST field it is listed as one artist
