How to set up a Mac mini for music only?

I'm new to computer audio and am thinking of using a Mac mini exclusively for music. I am mostly illiterate when it comes to computers and would really appreciate your ideas regarding the optimal configuration of such a mini. I will be running it through an as yet unknown USB/SPDIF converter (maybe Bryston?) to a first generation Berkeley Alpha DAC to my Audio Research VSi75 integrated to my Dali Euphonia MS 4 speakers.
Any suggestions regarding memory, processor speed, backing up, best auxiliary programs to use with Itunes, cabling, you name it would be greatly appreciated.
Also I understand that I can use my ipad to control the whole thing?
Help please?

Showing 3 responses by audioengr

Some info on this:

Optimizing any Mini should include powering it from and external DC linear supply, and a good one, like

BTW, the USB converter to beat is the Off-Ramp 5:

5th generation product which has earned a number of best shows at RMAF and Newport and golden ear award from TAS.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
If you don't already have a Mini, I recommend getting an Oct 2009 Mini on ebay with keyboard and mouse for around $375 that can be powered from DC supply. This was the last generation that could be DC powered without having to do mods to it. You can put a SSD and 16gigs in this one for about $200.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Doggie - these drivers are not the problem that you say they are. Takes a minute to install one and then you are done. The reliability and sound quality of the M2Tech solution makes it worth a minute of your time.

The XMOS interface does not need drivers for Mac, but does for PC, so it isn't much better. I have mine running and its a lot more sensitive to USB cables than the M2tech. There are always tradeoffs. My M2Tech-based interface is solid and works great with all 5m USB cables. Beats every XMOS interface, even in integer mode.

If you want the best sounding USB interface, its Empirical Audio. It wins every shootout, including the latest:

Steve N.
Empirical Audio