How to Sample Cartridges in My Own System?

I currently have a Clearaudio Maestro II. I want to add an MC cartridge and my budget is about $6k. Is there a way to audition cartridges in my own system? provides a service to allow customers to try out different cables in your own system. But how does one sample and compare different cartridges? Listening in a dealer's room and system tells me little about how the cartridge will sound in my system.

What if I want to hear how a London Reference or Benz Micro LP-S sound? Two very different cartridge, I know, but at the price of these there should be a way to try them out before committing.

Showing 2 responses by chakster

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I’m buyin’ them used (but not 6k units), but i’m pretty strict with the grading when i’m looking for used cartridges, actually never had a problems with used, but once i had a problem with brand new cartridge! The only way to decide which cartridge is really good in my system is to try it in my system on my tonearms. I think it’s great experience, but the desire to try many cartridges is dangerous for the pocket, so i have to sell some cartridges to try more different carts. I think it’s a part of the hobby.