How to reply to questions about stereo cost?

How much did you pay for that? I could by a car for that. We already have a car.
You could send your kids to college for that much money.
My kids are lazy and stupid. They think they are gonna inherit the money I'm spending on this stereo.
What does your wife say? I can't hear when the stereo is playing.
It's already depreciated. I bought it used.
I really enjoyed this post; it's given me some suitable answers. I usually say something like; "oh gosh I'd really need to look that up to be sure" or for the total system costs something like; "about the same as a little car" That leaves it to their imagination. I've even given costs as a function of weight. How much is that amp worth? "Oh’s about $75/lb". It really doesn't matter which component they ask about, the response and the look is always the same......."Shut up!! You’ve got to be kidding. Are you oh man whatever you're on, I want some too. What does your wife say about this”
I have my power amp sitting on the floor between my speakers and now when people ask what that big ugly thing is on the floor I just tell them it’s an electric furnace that doubles as an amp for my speakers. :)
I really don't know and have not needed any excueses. I hooked with an 'ENABLER'. Actually that has it's own unique issues.
"I don't sell black tar heroin on the weekends for my health." (From Viridian)
That's the best one! Thanks.

What's with Americans always asking what everything you own costs? It's so tacky and rude!
iT'S My stereo or divorce. Oh well, been married to her 45 yrs so I guess my wife has to go!
Tacky? You may have something there!(Black Tar Heroin) ... Rude? I guess that's a matter of opinion ........... it's the American way!