How to "break-in" new speakers??

A number of posts regarding the so-called "break-in-time" (or is it "burn-in-time) for new speakers have muddied the waters for me. If I recall correctly, some posts recommend that new speaker "break-in" could run anywhere from several hours to 175 hours, or more (good grief!), depending on the speaker manufacturer and model/type in question. In my case they would be the Rega RS-1 bookshelves. On other posts I have read that burning-in is a red-herring and should be ignored. I have also read that a proper burn-in should be done at a high volume, but not so high as to damage the speakers (an unnecessary caution), while simultaneously running the speakers non-stop for the necessary burn-in period. I find myself especially resistant to the last half of these recommendations, if only because I would like to think it possible to get a good nights sleep while simultaneously doing right by my speakers. I can only hope that however many responses I receive will not further muddy the already dark waters.
Put your speaker about 2 feet or less apart and facing each other, on one speaker only put the red to the black connector and the red to the black connector. put on cd to repeat. Set the volume at about 11:00, they will cancel each other out and the sound will be minimum. Do this each day as you go to work for about a week.
With my Focals I noticed the tweeter was a bit harsh right out of the box and sounded better within a couple of weeks of listening. The bass extension improved over a period of months, but I'd just suggest leaving the system running at a moderate volume when you're gone during the day. You can choose music that has highs and lows to physically work the drivers. With speakers it's a mostly about the material in the drivers getting some work. If you're worried about them not sounding great now and therefore want to break them in you'll never like them. Also, I don't think any particular break in is required to avoid damage.
Play your favorite music and just enjoy the process.

It may take several days for them to loosen up especially the woofer which I would run at 95db or better if possible with some great bass inclusive music. Throw a few blankets over them if you have to.

You may want to have them face each other about 2 feet apart and wire one out of phase. This will cause the signal to be cancelled and let them run that way with the source on repeat.

If they sound good out of the gate it will only get better and why wait to listen??

Why just not start to listen to music and enjoy, they will get a little better with time - but its not like any speaker is un-listenable when new.

