How to prevent visitors from touching your system

It’s amazing, no matter if it’s your friends or just anyone else walking into your listing room, what is the first thing that happens? They have to reach out and touch something. Like this is the first piece of real equipment they have ever seen. Has anyone else had this experience? What can be done to prevent this except posting signs or telling people every single time? Gets kinda frustrating.


Showing 2 responses by doodle6

All systems in our house include Bluesound Nodes. We have only a few visitors so it’s not much trouble to introduce them to BluOS and Qobuz so they can choose their favorite music in whatever part of the house they happen to be in. It’s been a real pleasure to see them enjoying themselves with it.  We don’t have a dedicated listening room - we’re immersed in music all over the house, inside and out (closest neighbor is almost a mile away).

“I stream most of my music and teach friends how to run the apps.”

Perfect!! And guests in each room can play their own favorite music. We have six different Bluesound Nodes so we can keep them all separate or link as many as we want.