How to place speakers at the optimum height

OK Agoners, How do you determine and place the speakers at the optimum height? If it's book shelves than it's pretty easy, you just buy an adjustable speakers stand and try it out. But what if you have floor standers? Are they already design to be at the optimum height? I don't think it would work for everyone since there are 6'5 guys and 5'6 guys so ears level are different. Is there any "audiophiles" lives in the vicinity of 95138? I like to check out some other people system to compare to mine and see what I'm missing if any. I'm pretty new to this high cost hobby so I would appreciate it if someone could show me their system. Thanks.

Showing 4 responses by min888

Thanks for all of the response. I tried to raise the speakers a little higher and the result is that the singer seems to be singing from the stage, you know like from the concert and you are in the first row. Maybe I will try to sit way back in the room and see what happens. But isn't sitting way back would put you out of the optimum distance for stereo? When you place your speakers do you aim to have the singer right in front of you or sounds slightly above you?
Thanks guys, I will try to lower it a bit and see how it goes. I have the VR4 HSE so the sound stage width and depth is huge, no problem there. Also the VR4 has the ambiance tweeter in the back how do you adjust it? If you turn it all the way down the mid is very forward kind of like Proac or slightly more so. If you turn it up and it gets less forward and the sound stage gets deeper.
Thanks Zman, sounds like you have the VR4 before. At what position of the pot you end up setting your ambiance level?
Tom6897, yes if you sit above the tweeters then the sound stage would be below you. The toe in is only for left right stereo effect. As I found out, if you lift up your mid/tweeter then the sound stage would appear to be higher. I guess it all depends on what you prefer to have, the singer right in front of you or slightly above you as in the concert. This is why I would love to check out somebody else set up and see what it music sounds like in different set up with different equipment and different preference.