How to pair speaker watts with solid state amp watts

In advance, thanks for the help.  I have been saving my pennies for years and finally have an opportunity to grab either a McIntosh MA5200 or MA6900 for basically the same price.  I am a HUGE JBL fan, and although I don't have them yet (I'll have to save those pennies for a few more years : ) I am planning on either getting a pair of L100's or 4312G's (probably the later due to price diff).  Both are rated at 200watts max.  I am tempted by the MA5200, I like the size, I have a small space, I like that it is much newer, and the updated connections.  However, the MA6900 is rated at 200Watts where as the MA5200 is 100.  I have no way of comparing and the gear is used so no returns, what will I notice? Is the 100watt amp enough for the JBL's?  I would really appreciate some guidance here! Thanks!

(in anticipation of the question: I listen to classical, african/malian trance, classic rock, live acoustic stuff, occasionally industrial music, hip hop periodically, and jam band. typically at low volumes with the occasional solo night where i crank it up)
SMAYSZAK  i ran my old l100 1976 with 150 watt luxman b-12 mono block amps sounded great my room at that time was 14'x 21'10 'h preamp a luxman c-12 it fill that room with clean sound so ma5200 will work well
Well, today its very small, 10x12, but it's an investment and someday when kids move out or I move to a new place I intended to have a bigger space dedicated to listening.
SMAYSZAK are you looking at the old jbl l100 or new l100 how big is the room you what to fill with sound they only have 12'' woofers