How to make a 20th Century Nakamichi rig sing...?

Hello, It's my first post, so thanks in advance for any thoughts... I've recently come into a very handsome pair - Nakamichi 630 receiver/preamp and 610 stereo control preamp, both from the late 70's. I'm told they're in great condition. So... now, onto a power amp and speakers... Not very audiophonically cool or quality conscious of me to admit that space is an issue, but it really is for reasons i won't get into. And I might as well add here that while I'm willing to make smart investments, money is a consideration as well.

If the amp is to sit with the Nakamichis (again, it should for space reasons), it needs to be compact. I've been looking at Parasound's Zamp Quattro, which I like because it fits perfectly next to the Naks and has four channels. Would that be a quality match here? ("The rated output of 50W per channel x4 into an 8 ohm load and 90W per channel x2 into a 4 ohm load - 20Hz-20kHz - is quite impressive given the size of the chassis it's shoehorned into")

The room has wood floors and bookshelves, plaster walls, and is about 22 x 15' with 9' ceiling, not huge, not tiny. I'd like to fill it with a warm bright sound with plenty of beautiful bass. I listen to music and watch films at a fairly low to medium volume, but occasionally have friends over to tear up the floorboards, so it would be nice to have the ability to crank it now and again.

I'd like to put four small speakers in the room because I project video on to one wall and listen to music all over the room, so essentially I'm trying to create a four speaker "sound bath" effect that fills the room and also makes sense when you're sitting and watching a movie. Using the corners, I imagine two would sit on top of built in bookshelf at about 8 feet and two would get mounted high on the wall at same height. That seems like logical placement, but I'm no expert. Again major space concerns. Small is key. A friend tells me to consider old school KEF 101/2 and/or 102/2... both have an impedance of 4ohms.

Feeling unsure about what to do here... Could use wise words from people smarter than I in these matters. Many thanks...

Class D has a four-channel amp that would work, though it'd quite a bit more money, around $1200 or so.

I've been using some very inexpensive KEF speakers for center and surrounds for around 12-13 years. They are easy to drive, have wide dispersion characteristics, take a beating, and sound good.

The old model I have is the Uni-Q Q15.2 that I use for surrounds, and Q-200 center channel. There is a mind-boggling amount of small speakers to chose from these days, so good luck to you.

Thanks Dan.

I'll definitely look into that Class D 4 channel amp. People love their KEF speakers.

I've reposted a version of this conversation over at the speakers forum to see what people there think. Thanks for your good words!
