How to keep my stack of Adcoms cool...

I have three older Adcom amps in my entertainment center (two GFA-555II's and a GFA-2535), and predictably, they generate a good bit of heat. I usually leave the door to the cabinet open, but I would like to be able to close it sometimes, as it gets in the way of my speakers, somewhat, when it is open. My thought was to install a couple of cooling fans (one sucking air in, and one blowing it out), but I am somewhat concerned about the noise. Does anyone know of any very quiet fans, or of any other tricks to keeping your amps cool?

Thanks, Tom.

Showing 3 responses by tombowlus


I am not sure that the "extra power" deal would pan out if I switch to the Sunfire. My GFA-555II's are cranking out 850w (@ 4 ohms) into each of my CS3.6's, the bridged channel on my GFA-2535 is putting out 325w (@ 4 ohms) into my SCS3, and its two unbridged channels put out 60w (@ 8 ohms) into my AR TSW 110 surrounds. So, yes, the surrounds would benefit, but the rest would not. Those 3.6's really liked the extra juice, compared to running just one GFA-555II in stereo mode. That Sunfire is a great amp, to be sure, though.


That is an interesting suggestion. And quite doable, too. I have a full basement, and right below my entertainment center is drop ceiling with easy access. Plus, that would be cooler air moving through the cab... Nice!

Thanks, all.

Both good responses. However, the entertainment center option was a compromise solution, taking spousal approval factors into consideration. I am probably stuck with the unit (and it's fairly nice, for what it is). I am currently thinking about trying to re-engineer the door hinge so that it can be laid/slid flat with the side of the unit when open.

In the meantime, I plan on adding some ventilation holes at strategic locations. Hmmm, maybe just one fan, sucking air out near the top rear of the cabinet, with ventilation holes at the bottom near the front (underneath the amps, facing the floor, so you won't see it).

Still, I'd need to find a very quiet fan that still moved a good bit of air...

Thanks for the advice, Tom.
Wow, those are some quiet fans, Errivera! However, I had just ordered two Middle Atlantic QFans (50 CFM, 30db) and one of MA's Thermostatic Controls (turns fans on/off and varies fan speed based upon temp) before I read your post. We'll see how these work out.

Interestingly, I switched out my old "plain Jane" speaker cables for MIT AVt3 cables yesterday, and the amps seem to be running hotter at the same volume level. This could be due to the fact that the MIT's are brand new and haven't broken in yet.

Thanks for all the feedback, Tom.