How To Keep Cat Off Stereo Equipment?

We adopted a long-hair, one-eyed stray kitten. She is a very lovely cat, however, she likes jumping up on stereo equipment - tube preamp and mono block amplifiers. Am I right in thinking that cat hairs that fall inside the equipment can eventually fry things? Assuming so, I can't be the first person to have a cat AND hifi equipment. How do you keep the cat off? For the record she only jumps up there when she is alone in the room, so I think she gets that we don't want her up there, but just hasn't filed under "relevant info." I would greatly appreciate suggestions!


Showing 1 response by jdougs

@jeffstrick * 1000.  

@sid-hoff-frenchman I have my equipment on racks with enough clearance to prevent the equipment from frying but not enough for the cat.  He loves to lay in front of the tube amps where it’s warm and I’m fine with that.  It’s nice having him in the room while I listen.  Personally I am using Pangea racks with the extended spacer post.

Everybody who suggest or implies harming the cat, you’re why Audiogon needs a block button.