How to Judge an LP

OK - so I'm new to vinyl, and I envision myself stopping at the church rummage sale, scrounging around for good LP's. How to I judge the quality of an LP just by looking at it? What matters and what is superficial? What should I avoid at all costs? Should an LP with a missing sleeve be automatically disqualified. I might have used to know this back in 1980, but the memories don't last! Thanks all you vinyl heads!

Showing 1 response by jsbail

I have found slight warps can be straightened out by placing the album between two pieces of glass, and putting weight on it for an extended period of time.

Also, I don't know why, but older mono records can look really bad and still play fairly quiet.

A trick for finding records at yard sales. If you don't see any records, ask loud enough so everyone around can hear. More than once I have been led to another location to find a nice stash.