How To Improve The Slow Traffic On Audiogon Systems Pages

Since the website redesign activity is much lower on the member's system pages. I usually browse the site by first going to Forums>Recent Activity in Last 24 Hours. Previously each time I'd see 25-50 or more posts from members on other's system pages. Nowadays, there's usually less than 10.

Hey webmasters, how about putting a member's main system name & link next to their name in each discussion post? It seems like a simple programming task for you(don't they all). I know I'd be more inclined to check out a member's rig after reading a comment or question from them if those links were there. Everybody wins. Cheers,


Showing 1 response by sbank

"posts to system description threads in which one has already participated (including even one’s own system description thread) no longer appear in one’s forum activity feed."
Good point, Al! 

Since many systems of interest only change after a long period of inactivity, it was nice to get the heads up letting you know that "Al finally decided to replace his Widgetwanker 1000" with a better component! Cheers,