How To Improve The Slow Traffic On Audiogon Systems Pages

Since the website redesign activity is much lower on the member's system pages. I usually browse the site by first going to Forums>Recent Activity in Last 24 Hours. Previously each time I'd see 25-50 or more posts from members on other's system pages. Nowadays, there's usually less than 10.

Hey webmasters, how about putting a member's main system name & link next to their name in each discussion post? It seems like a simple programming task for you(don't they all). I know I'd be more inclined to check out a member's rig after reading a comment or question from them if those links were there. Everybody wins. Cheers,


Showing 1 response by jedinite24

On the previous design wasn't the Systems pages before the forum posts? Maybe A'gon should restore that display order? Put Systems posts to the forefront followed by the discussion posts. Maybe that will increase traffic there. 

Also T&A  to me doesn't help with traffic to the systems area but it is a nice break. The brunette in the Audio Advisor catalogs was always a treat to me. Another site I saw photoshopped women in the articles on was StereoMojo. The women were a nice extra but it is the content that gets you and keeps you there.