How to Hook Up Vandersteen 2W Subwoofer

Hi All,

I have a Vandersteen 2W sub that I plan to add to the system listed below--it's a hybrid stereo/HT setup. So far I've been using a powered sub that plugs into the Arcam's sub pre-out RCA jack. The 2W is an entirely different beast though and has the following connections:

regular speaker wire inputs (via banana plugs)
a WX-2 crossover with one set each of RCA ins/outs

The Arcam has tons of connections, including 3 RCAs for subs, but I'm not sure those will be helpful with the 2W. Here's a screenshot of all the Arcam's connections

Ideally I'd like to use the 2W sub for stereo (2.1) and HT (5.1) but I realize that may be impossible. At the least I'd like to use it for HT via the Arcam. Here's my setup. I would very much appreciate any specific advice on:

1. how to connect the 2W and its crossover.
2. which wire/interconnects to use

I have read all the manuals and can't make complete sense out of how they apply to my exact setup. THANKS very much!

Vandersteen 2ceSig IIs (mains; bi-amp/bi-wire capable)
Vandersteen VSM-1 (surrounds)
Vandersteen VCC-1 (center)
Vandersteen 2W (the sub I'm adding now)

Cary SLP-05 (for stereo pre): the Cinema In RCAs go to the Pre Outs on the Arcam

Adcom GFA-555 (for stereo amp): the mains go into the inputs on this; the RCA outputs go into the inputs on the SLP-05

Arcam AVR-600 (for HT/surround): powers the VSMs and VCC-1 surrounds (and I think will power the 2W)

Showing 5 responses by audioconnection

You run this 2W by hooking a pair of speaker wires from your Adcoms speaker binding posts to the 2Ws speaker binding post.
match Red to Red and Black to Black both right and left ch.
Next you need to install the temporary WX-2 crossover with one set each of RCA ins/outs in between the Cary pre amp and Adcom amp at the Adcom’s rca inputs.

with the amp off, adjust the the WX2 Box dip switch settings to one setting down to what the Adcom’s manual says its input imp is for example the 555 mk1 was 22k so you set the WX2 to 10 k ,if you have a Adcom 555 MK 2 it was 100 K so you set WX2 at 50 k.

Then listen with a bass track like Ray brown acoustic bass and see what you hear, adjust level to preference.
go up one or 2 settings as in the manual.
The Arcam will work as well as the Cary hooked up this way.
but in the Arcam set up menu you will need to adjust your front speakers to (Large full range) and redirect the sub out
.1 bass back into the front Right and left speakers.

Once you have the WX2 where you finally like it call a Vandersteen dealer and purchase the better sounding inline fixed X2
which gets rid of the extra set of interconnects and sounds much better.
Don't forget to spike and bubble level the sub and tighten nuts under the 2W
Please let us know if you have any questions
Vandersteen dealer
Place the 2WQ where you chose...
if its on the left side of room its now the left channel
if its on the right side of room its now the right channel.
Walk over to your existing sub that has a right and left speaker level wire feeding it.
Leave just one connected while removing the other ch speaker level feed wire connecting it to the other sub.
Make sure both subs are in same phase red/black same as main speakers.
Confirm the left ch amp feed is going to the left sub.
Confirm the Right ch amp feed is going to the right sub.
Spike both subs, bubble level, and snug tighten all lock nuts. Don't forget this part as its important as is the laser tilt back and leveling for your main speakers.
Now re adjust settings to preference and let us know what you experience.
You would need to ask the manufacture that made the unit if they can support the proper value caps installed
Minus 3 DB at 80 HZ in
between the pre section and amp.
In your case it would seem to take a lot of patience
different time zones, lost in translation phone calls etc.
If you find it a battle.
there are integrated amps that can support the internal High Pass with fine results from companies Rogue Audio, Audio Research, Ayre etc,
and like Vandersteen are also Made in USA
If you have a HT receiver w no main in You need a vandersteen       V2 W  type sub hooks of your sub out
Suggest you don't read too much and just call a vandersteen dealer before you chase your tail .    
If you own the 2WQ already you need separates or pre amp out main in and you will be able to take advantage of the high passing advantage it offers 