How to get songs in LUMIN Network player to play numerically not alphabetically

I'm on my second LUMIN player and both have always listed the songs alphabetically not numerically. This only happens to albums that I've downloaded through HD Tracks or other download sources. All songs list numerically when streaming through Tidal or Qboz. It seems to be an issue with the original download, but when I open the folder on my computer they are properly aligned numerically. It's the transfer from the download on my computer to the music network where there seems to be a glitch. Can anyone help me with this issue? 


Thanks for you reply. I was talking about track numbers. I’ll look into Mp3tag. 


It can be very frustrating until you understand the concept of tagging. What you are seeing on your computer files is not what the Lumin app is seeing. You need a tagging software to take control of what is showing on the app, otherwise you are at the mercy of the original source of the file. There is a lot to it that I cannot explain in one post but do a search on the subject. It will cost you a couple of hours to ramp up the curve but it is worth the trouble. I used Jaikoz Audio tagger as my tagging software because it’s easy to use but I am sure you can start with a free one. Good luck. 

Ok thanks and yes it is frustrating. Even more so for a non-techy person like me. Enough to be dangerous, but I’ll do the research.