How To Field Questions About Your Audiophile Lifestyle...

We Audiophiles often have a bit of "The Adams Family" about us to other people..especially to neighbors and those who come into contact with us often.Here are some of the most common questions that come up and some suggestions on how to field them.

Q."About that stereo of yours,; "what kind is it?"
 A. Looking at your watch, "It's a q
uarter to 5."

Q."How much did it cost?"
 A. "I'm not sure.I stole it."

 Q."How come my stereo doesn't' sound like that?"
 A."You need smarter friends with better advice." "I hear they really kick"is 5 words from hell, if you are really serious about your selections.

 Q."Why do you play "Aerosmith" and the "Butthole Surfers"then switch to that "Beethoven"
  A. "Beethoven was a musician too."He went deaf without any rock music at all.

  Q."Why is your furniture differently arranged than everybody else's, all diagonally?"
  A."It has to do with the lighting,"or "Thats the way the previous people living here liked it."

  Q."Why do you always walk backwards when there is a strong wind coming at you ?"
  A."I like to protect my nice face from aging" or "I forgot my ear muffs today."

  Q."Why do you play your CD player with the top off and why does the Xmas tree near it always have greenish blue lights."
  A.It has to do with the absorption of stray laser..Err it's too long a story."

  Q."Why do you have a Xmas tree still up by your CD player?"
  A."It's already September..Might as well just keep it up now."

I hope this helps.


Showing 5 responses by mr_m

I'm sure you went thru this in other threads, and my question isn't relevant to this thread, but respectfully, what brand of components do you use in your system? I think you claimed this was too personal of information but really, it isn't. Many people do that on this forum. If people don't like what you have, so what??? You say you want to enlighten people about various tweaks of yours. Adding your component listing hurts no one. IMO. I've been told, not in so many words, that my system was pretty much junk. Just ask Audiotroy. :-)
As to fielding questions about my system, to the non audiophile people, I pretty much keep quiet. When you tell these people what you have and what it costs you usually get a look of "a deer caught in headlights" expression. When I told my Stepson what my turntable costs, he said, "you must be crazy!" he was purchasing a new $800 baseball bat.
I guess I was hoping for some intelligent answers and maybe he had something pertinent to add to the hobby to make it better for all. Maybe not....

It isn't about snobbery. Years ago, I was like you. Wanting to tell the world how wonderful a good stereo system can sound. How relaxing and enjoyable to listen to your favorite music in High Fidelity. After a while, you get a little introverted when people would constantly tell you how foolish you are for wasting time and especially money on stereo equipment. At best they would try to be polite and say they were too busy to listen to music so intently or they could not afford it. When it comes to HEA, it's hard to inspire the "flat earth" believers. IMO.

Where I used to live in northern Wisconsin, ( now reside in Az.) you were lucky if you could find a dozen audiophiles in a 100 mile radius. If you weren't a hunter or a fisherman, you were nothing. Most of those people up there looked at me as if I had some sort of disease when I told them what interested me. When enough people say to you that that kind of stuff makes you foolish or stupid, you ALMOST, and I say ALMOST start to believe it. When I was still working at a paper mill up there I would meet and work with some of these guys for the first time and when they asked me if I hunted or fished and then told them neither, that was the end of any conversation they would have with me for the 30 years I worked there. I thought it was a very sad situation with those people.  I'm not trying to make myself out as a "bleeding heart" but that 30 years was sure a learning experience in life....