How to eliminate system hum?

I have the following
Rotel 1090 amp
Hovland Pre-amp
Sony 777 CD player
Shahinian Speakers
I have this irritating hum/hiss when I turn on the pre-amp. The sound comes from the speakers when the pre-amp is turned on. If the pre-amp is off and the amp is on, the system is totally silent. It seems as if the amplifier is ok. It seems to be doing its job and is amplifying the crappy signal it is receiving.
Thinking my home electric was poorly configured, I had my electrician install a panel and dedicated lines for my system. The problem is now worse!
I don't think the pre-amp is to blame as I had the same problem with my previous pre-amp. I also have a new cd player.
I have read about "floating" the system ground by using 3 to 2 prong adapters on all system power cords. Is that what I should try?
If anyone has any ideas, I'd be very appreciative. Having $20k worth of stuff that sounds bad is no fun!

Showing 1 response by judit

If this is a ground loop hum created within your own system, it should go away if you float all plugs in your system EXCEPT one. You should have one component connected to ground; your interconnects ensure that there is a path back to ground for your remaining components.

If this doesn't do it, then your problem lies elsewhere. Is your system tied to video that includes cable? Cable boxes are notorious for introducing ground loop hum into audio circuits, if they are on the same line.

A final thought - flourescent lighting, electric motors, radio transmitters will create strong interference fields that will be picked up by unshielded wire and interconnects acting like antennas.