How to dismantle Well Tempered for shipping?

How to dismantle Well Tempered for shipping?


I am trying to dismantle / pack my Well Tempered Classic early model for shipping?

How do I get the fluid out of the bearing and the viscous dampening fluid out of the arm cup?

Can I clean the cup off after getting the fluid off?

IMPORTANT: How do I get the arm off, what about the tonearm wires that’s connected to the rare of the plinth???????????????????? Do I solder and get it off?


My dear now departed friend might have replenished the damping fluid in his WT Reference arm with something having a higher viscosity rating than the original, which certainly could account for its overdamped sonics. He wasn't sure what he put in there.  This was a guy who was a mechanical engineer and who taught me a lot about audio; it was very sad when he started to fail mentally, and I miss him to this day. But the unstable azimuth would seem to be a consequence of its basic design. 

Thank you lewm for your answer:

The hole is of course directly under the tonearm pivot. Nice right rear of plinth


I guess somethink like a spacer is needed to adapt the WT Classic tone arm on the LP12 with a Greenstreet Keel_Klone sub chassis for Ittock or Ekos arm?


the reason is the WT arm's shaft has a thinner diameter than the Linn Ekos tone arm...