How to determine high current amplifiers

A couple of weeks ago I asked for recommendations on amplifiers to drive my Maggies 1.6Q. I was overwhelmed with all the amp recommendations. Although some differences in opinion on which would power the Maggies best - SS versus Tube - all seemed to agree that high current is more important than wattage. I am trying to narrow my list but I need to fully understand how to distinguish between low and high current amplifiers. What should I be looking for on the specification sheet that would denote high voltage?

I need the help of you experts out there in AudiogoN world..
Are there cases where brand advertisements can be misleading relative to wattage output at various loadings? Or this nothing to fret about.
It is not just about current and it is not just about watts.I have heard 400 watts rms amps that sound outstanding and powerfull,and I have heard 17 watts rms amps on the same system sound outstanding and powerfull.Hope this helps(wink).
I own Maggie 1.6s also. I own vintage and contemporary power ams, solid states and tubes. Couple of my amplifiers do an absolute magnificent job of driving the Maggies:
- Threshold CAS2 (110+110)
- SAE 2201 (100+100)
- Dynaco MKIII (classic tube 60+60)

I'm in the market for a Rogue Zeus power amp myself (225+225). The founders of Rogue use Magnepans and I have spoken with them about the capability of Rogue power amps driving Maggies. They told me even the 90W Rogue drives the Maggies just fine.


I'm driving Apogee Duetta Signatures with Rogue M-120 magnums...not a problem at all for the Rogues.
