How to correctly interpret the auditory impression

Quite basic but interesting none the less. 




Showing 1 response by mahgister

Thanks for the article....


The article miss an important point though being very short...

He make a good observation: the difference between sound coming between speakers or coming from all the room...

This is very important difference...

But in my experience alignment of speakers is nowhere enough to create a great acoustic space for any recording...

For sure some recording are not optimal but even if "the weak output is produced due to the excessive transfer loss, not the actual sound transducers" these transfer loss are not only coming from recording trade-off choices but coming also from acoustic and psycho-acoustic of an under controlled room...The audio system/speakers/room are ONE continuous chain creating an acoustic event for the Ear/brain to interpret and recreate...It is a translation not a reproduction...Like most people believe...

Bad recording or good one, are optimized by acoustic and the real optimal ideal soundstage is not like the one depicted in the article image, it surround you, the sound coming from behind you, in some case, even with a two speakers-stereo system IF the recording is well done and the room under acoustic adequate control ...

It is my experience with a 500 bucks system in an acoustically controlled room...( not only a treated room but a mechanically controlled one )

Recording method are important, but acoustic is on par with them in importance... Why?

Because there is no absolute perfect reproduction of sound from a recording studio or hall to your room... Only an acoustic translation from one room recorded in some way and actively transfered/translated in your controled or uncontrolled room by your ears/brain ....


What i said is particularly true, the smaller the room dimensions are...Small room acoustic cannot be implemented like Hall acoustic...There is variations between these 2 extreme...When i speak avout mechanical acoustic control then i speak about very small room acoustic which ask for more than just acoustic passive treatment in my experience...


Then in a small room to interpret the correct auditory impression we must put in place what we will need to  acoustically and psycho-acoustically control them first...

A small room is a cross between a great hall and an headphone.... So to speak in a humorous way... 😁😊