How to convert lps to CD?

I have heared you can do this. Although I want to listen to lps mainly with an analog rig, I want some of them in my car or even my ipod. Alot of old lps are unavailable as CD!

Any links to info or sage advice?
Look up Tascam,they make a unit that you can plug your turntable directly into it and make copies.I believe the model is ct-222 mk2
hooked up just like you would a tape deck. Very hard to tell the difference between the LP and the copy.
The Alesis masterlink looks good, but the dealbreaker for me is that there's no hookup to a computer. Is there any device similar to a masterlink that can dump to a computer's hard drive, without having to burn a CD, or go through the line-in on the soundcard?

Is there any plan for Alesis to release a product or an adapter that can do this?

I purchased a Tascam CC-222MXII and love it. Makes terrific CD's from whatever source you wish, including lps. Good quality at a fair price. My lps now travel with me via CD and the compilations of music I record have become the major gift friends receive from me.