How to choose a cartridge?

Aside from compliance, and whether one has enough gain and loading options, how does one choose a cartirdge?

There are a few shops that have one or two brands, and other shops that have other brands… etc.

It is a either visiting a lot of shops, or using some other method.

I have seen a few plots of response and 2nd, 3rd harmonics for a limited number of carts.

The other method is scouring the reviews and digest the colourful wording used to describe the carts.

As an example I am considering:

  • SoundSmith Zephyr MIMC Star
  • AT ART9xi
  • Benz Micro LP S
  • Hana ML
  • and some others…

Does one just flip a coin?


Showing 3 responses by rauliruegas

Dear @larryi  " I don't know if any particular measurement says anything about how a cartridge might sound, much less whether one will like that sound.  "




@holmz  : " of all the measurements, channel separation is the one that likely has the most bearing on things. "

But you have to measures it  and today almost no single cartridge manufacturer gives ( as in the past ) a measures charts.



Dear @holmz : First than all you need to define in precise way which are your main targets for the reproduction room/system quality levels.

After that and your investigation and everything the same yes it's: 

" Does one just flip a coin? "


or if you are lucky enough after all those maybe 1-2 of the cartridge sources around your area could have one of the cartridge alternatives you want it.

I know that you like measurements as you mentioned, well with cartridges that almost does not works to make cartridge decisions.


Btw, of the ones you named the LPS has my vote.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
