How Science Got Sound Wrong

I don't believe I've posted this before or if it has been posted before but I found it quite interesting despite its technical aspect. I didn't post this for a digital vs analog discussion. We've beat that horse to death several times. I play 90% vinyl. But I still can enjoy my CD's.

Showing 33 responses by glupson


You might have not meant any harm with your "on the spectrum" comment but it surely came accross as poorly chosen and placed.

Out of curiosity, and along the same topic, this is interesting...

"I know for certain that some of them fall under this group"
How do you know for certain? Did they declare themselves? Diagnosing "spectrum disorders" is quite tricky.

What spectrum were you talking about in your "on the spectrum" statement? It is quite unclear, I think.
"If you could hear what I’ve heard with my ears."
I am afraid they would double the dose.
"You can control the loudness with the volume knob. But there’s nothing you can do about dynamic range."

So, what is it? Loudness War or Dynamic Range War?
For whatever it is worth, nudged by geoffkait, I checked that dynamic range database. I found it practically useless. Maybe numbers are correct but some "loudness wars" recordings sound just fine and some "wide dynamic range" are annoying.
For the math challenged:
billions = billions and billions = billions and billions and billions
just as
6 = 3 + 3 = 2 + 2 + 2
Hmmmm, that is open to discussion, Is it the math or linguistic issue?

6=3+3=2+2+2, but

billions + billions ≠ billions + billions + billions

There are billions more.
And btw for those keeping score....the quote was...

literally billions and billions

Like what happened to literally, and where did the extra billions come from

"literally" was there. It stayed in your quote when I copied it.

The remainder of billions were added to make up for your inaccurate statement it was only billions and billions. It, in fact, was billions and billions and billions.
"It’s aggressive dynamic range compression I’m referring to. You know, the suffocation of the music. 🥵"
Some people actually enjoy that aggressive compression. Some have no objection to the suffocation part, either. To each her/his own.
"...literally billions and billions of articles to prove that beyond any shadow of a doubt."
No doubt about it. Billions and billions and billions, in fact
"...not much good can come of playing untreated CDs on stock un-tweaked systems..."
Would Neil Young's CDs become good if treated, or it is a little too much to wish for?
the human hearing system was designed, from the ground up, over millennia...
Something is wrong with this sentence.
>>>>You got to the bottom of your bottom.
That's deep. I'll have to get back to you with that one.
"3.The caller will find his reception has improved a couple of bars after the TT has been performed"
So, Teleportation Tweak means "being thrown out of a bar"?

After a couple of such Teleportations from bars, a subject starts behaving in a more acceptable manner, hence reception in subsequent bars improves?

Did I finally get to the bottom of this?
 I’m the most successful one selling things on this site.
Is Teleportation Tweak considered a "thing" or it is some other state of non-being?
I apologize for my part.

At the same time, it seemed like it was all said and done and almost everyone moved on.
I may be the only one around who has never visited that famous geoffkait’s website, but I thought that Cable Cooker was someone else’s. I actually visited that website.

Overall, it seems that geoffkait gets the most laughs for silly products while others’ are at times discussed with some seriousness and fierce defense of them. geoffkait at least stays relatively low-key with his advertisements. Others go full attack on anyone not bowing.

That is not to say he is correct, etc., but he is no worse than many.
I went to see what he was selling and lo and behold I see "Brilliant Pebbles" in the list."Blue Meanies" too and I think you will enjoy his for sale list.
This is, kind of, unfair.

Everybody, at least almost everybody, picks on geoffkait’s wares for being, ummm, slightly questionable. He is the joke of audiogon never taken seriously.

At the same time, you have companies that have products with similarly bizarre claims and they do not get that much bad attention as geoffkait’s. They actually have supporters while geoffkait is fighting alone.

He may have a bit abrasive way of communicating and may not be a sweet-talker as some of the other voodoo artists are, but his products are no more outrageous and laughable.

I am not, in any way, trying to imply that geoffkait should be taken seriously.
"....and not stuff about rice prices in China...."
It is a science of a magnitude many cannot imagine.
What are all those numbers in cartridge specifications? Do they have anything to do with measurments and math?

I just fell back in that black hole and got reassurance it was recently certified as an "Expert Black Hole’. Certificate expires on December 31, 3623.

It expurged me straight into audiogon forum.

geoffkait18,384 posts

"Is there a mechanism that thwarts to some degree the posting of obvious inflammatory troll posts?"
There are 18 384 proofs on this forum there is no such mechanism.

And evidence is growing.
"It’s my understanding audiophiles don’t have hair."
I give up. I am not an audiophile. Nor was Jimi Hendrix, I guess.
"There's a mechanism that thwarts to some degree, intense sounds, to prevent ear damage."
Not fully on that track, but sort of, I have been asking for a while, why, while arguing, people do not mention how loud the music was playing. It is one of the big determinates of how you will perceive sounds. It is not even about two CDs. let's say, having matched levels. It is about the level that reaches the human.
In other words, the “standard model“ of how humans hear, how the neurons carry the signal from the ears to the brain that is the complete explanation of how we hear is utter BS.
Now I have to read whole thread to find out about these differences.

As a start, I would like to remind any interested party that hairstyles may, in theory, influence the sound more than Gadolinium infused power cord cover.

Is there a thread about audiophile hairstyles?


I am sorry, I did not understand that. Can you elaborate?

Ma lady geoffkait,

"...poorly understood maladies such as Internet addiction disorder..."

No wonder you are misunderstood.


"BTW @atdavid. Have you REALLY posted 367 times since Oct 30., 19? That may be a record."
Not even close to a record.

In that same period (October 30, 2019 until now) geoffkait has posted 418 times.
"I never said I had a degree in Theoretical Physics."
Is it too late for you to learn the benefits of knowing when to stop?

Hint: If you get mad, do not respond until tomorrow. It works.
This year is coming to an end.

Is it time to start submitting "Post of the year" nominations?

This has to be one of the strong contenders.

"Do yourself a favor. Skim right past the loser wannabes - above and to follow, as night follows day- and appreciate those like me who thank you for posting this brilliant article."
This is not even a post. This is literature.