How Revealing Should a System Be?

I've heard tales of audiophiles reach a point of dimininshing returns as they upgrade their systems. Meaning, the more revealing the system gets, the more discriminating their system will be of the recordings that are played back on it. Some of you have said that recordings that you once really liked were now unlistenable because your system revealed all of the flaws in the recording. Doesn't that limit some audiophiles to what recordings they can actually listen to? If so, we have gotten away from the thing that brought us to this hobby in the first place.........THE MUSIC! It seems the equipment should never be more important than the music.

Showing 1 response by simonleemd

I have been puzzled by such subject(issue) too. My recent "revised "-thought is : " Enough is ENOUGH " ( get the gears that is good enough to reproduce musical clarity and details ,yet NOT to the point of hearing the soloist's or the conductor's breathing ,which I don't really need to hear and spoiled musical enjoyment "
Again and perhaps along the line ' I can't really comphrehen the so called "neutrality " e.g " this amp /preamp is musically neutral/does'nt add or substract any sonic characters....." yet how about in actual listening session ? does my spkr,my cables;my player;and most importantly my listening room also in accordance/compatible with the amp/preamp's "neutrality " ??
