How old is your cartridge?

We read and hear about cartridges that are ancient that people are still using, and we read about others replacing their cartridge after a few years because the cartridge is spent. 
How old is your cartridge that you use regularly? 
I know one person still spinning a Shure V15 Type II Improved with a stylus that is probably about 30 years old. The cartridge itself was purchased by the guy new in the early 70’s. 
My cartridge, a Linn Arkiv B, is 18 or 19 years old and it’s definitely tired by now. 
Thanks all for responding! 

Showing 2 responses by glupson


"Glupson, it is probably deaf by now."

I have to get a new(er) stylus to be sure what the time might have done to it. It does make sounds without much obvious distortion so I am hopeful. It is an Ortofon Concorde from way back when.