How old are you?

No age is too young or too old. Just general curiosity about the average age of Audiogon members. 

I’ll start. I’m 39.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtoro3

Showing 5 responses by oregonpapa

I'm very thankful for my excellent hearing. I've been truly blessed.

I haven't read through the entire thread. I'm 82. Does that get me bragging rights?? 

^^^ Thanks, mahgister ... and a successful, happy new year to you too. 

bobo2006 ...

  • "I have been studying this forum for the last 6 months and am blown away by the wealth of information available."

Welcome to A'gon. Hanging around this site, and participating in it, is far, far better than trying to glean honest information from the various audio magazines. Finding them to be a big waste of time, and an unneeded expense, I no longer subscribe to any of them. As a bonus, you can make some good friends here. 
