How often do you swap out equipment in general

It seems to me that after a good while of listening, I start getting itchy and start moving
stuff around about every month or so. Do I need to get
some extra strength Gold Bond, or is this normal for "US" ???

Showing 2 responses by timrhu

I'll make impulse purchases just to try out the latest thing; most recently a pair of Usher S-520s, a Bel Canto dac2 and an Oppo 980. I listened to the Ushers for a while just for a change and sold them at very little loss. The Oppo and dac2 will stay until I need to sell them for some other interesting piece. This is part of the hobby for me but most of the mainstays in my system are a couple years old now. I have no desire to change them out as they are very musically satisfying to me.
current setup was bought at price poitns that make it hard for me to upgrade and get a noticeable benefit without spending a ton of $$
That's the point. I live comfortably enough but there comes a point where upgrading is much more about the audio jewelry than about the music. My system sounds so good to me now I think money is better used elsewhere. (Kids in college)