How often do you listen to live music?

I feel that the constant tuning of our ears to a live musical event, no matter what kind of music ( except perhaps to heavy metal at close quarters for health reasons) is essential for an audiophile to rightly assess his and other systems. I myself try to go to a concert at least three to four times a month. How about my fellow audiophiles out there? And especially how about our panel of experts? Albert, Sean et al ??

Showing 5 responses by detlof

Yes, you are indeed fortunate. I fantasize often about a vacation in NYC just going to concerts , however steering free of Lyrics and Mr. Singer's. They would probably not even let me in. Zurich is not too bad. Our opera has become very good in the last ten years and there are the Luzern and Gstaad as well as the Zurich festivals in summer..and its not far to Munich,Salzburg and Milano and even Vienna is only about 7 hours by car if you beat the speedlimit on the Austrian autobahns!
WOW, thanks so far for all your responses. A special bow to Frogman for his understanding of my intentions and for his kind words.
I see how rich,alive and vibrant the musical culture in all its ramifications and tongues seems to be in your country, and I envy you for it. I haven't had the chance to listen to a really GOOD Jazz or Blues live offering for quite a time now and I'm showing symptoms...
Abstract, we had Zinman here in Zurich and he knocked our decrepid philharmonics back into shape. They needed it. You're lucky to have him in Baltimore.
Kelly, well singing in the shower....I suppose its a case of " in dubio pro reo " and we can let it pass. Its live after all, no?
Sugarbrie, just curious..what kind of music? Probably all sorts, I imagine.
Sean, you gave me the answer, why I found many live performances of studio artists a disapointment. Studio work is indeed so very different. Never had thought of that.
About classical music, drop me a line, if you like, with your musical preferences. Perhaps I could be of some help. Ater all, you have the CSO right on your doorstep and I suppose its still an outstanding orchestra.
There is an old saying in German, probably originating from the midst 19th century. It says " Amerika Du hast es besser", meaning sort of "live is better in the States". As far as music goes, this seems to be true...or maybe I'm suffering from a case of the grass being always greener on the other side.
Hope more posts are coming. I am happy to be amongst audiophiles, who also love music! A fact, which you cannot necessarily just take for granted.
Cheers and regards,
Same here J-D....and thanks Jeff, seems to be the same all over. I got goosepimples however as I read your thoughts about "honest" Jazz- and Bluesmusicians and what bliss, hearing THE Prince jamming. WOW. And as the adrenaline flowed, I thought again: " Amerika, Du hast es besser "!
Well not so silent on second thoughts, as to voice complete agreement with Frogman's words, that audiophiles who orient themselves entirely on the sound of systems, can have ears equally well trained and honed as avid concertgoers. But all the same, and hence my starting of this thread, there is so much talk here on Audiogon of what is "better" and what is not. The question however of better in REGARD TO WHAT is often left open and I am curious to know where my fellow audiophiles take their benchmarks from. Is it the most impressive systems they have heard, which have grafted themselves in their aural memories, or is it rather the mnestic impact of a myriad of exposures to all sorts of live music which they try to emulate in their homes? I suppose, for the most of us, it is an amalgam of both, actually difficult to differentiate apart in dayly practice.