How often do you folks vacuum clean your albums?

To all you vinyl people out there: I am curious to know, after you have cleaned an old album, then put it on your vacuum machine (I am using a VPI unit), how often do you reclean it with your vacuum cleaner? I have heard answers from "every time I play it", to "only once, then just a carbon brush".


Showing 3 responses by kitch29

Let me see if I've got this right: you spend $600 on a record cleaner and have to clean the records in the sink before using it?
I clean with a 1 hp shop-vac, a slot in the crevice tool surrounded by paint pad. First RRL super deep and then super wash for a rinse. Dry enough to play after a few revolutions. Into a new plastic lined paper sleeve.

Does a great job, lots quieter after the cleaning.

Use a Mobile Fidelity felt pad before every play and a magic eraser on the stylus after 3 or 4 sides.

Even right after a cleaning and brushing, if i shine a flashlight on ther ecord spinning, I can see lots of light reflected by dust. Aargh. tempted to try that 100 buck stainless steel brush from mapleshade. I've tried the Zero stat and was never impressed.
Me too. The MF is a felt pad, not a brush. Before and after looks with the flashlight show about 80% of the light-reflecting specs gone after a 'felting'.

Funny thing, tho', almost nothing accumulates on the stylus. Where does all that schmutz go?