How much weight can an upstair room can hold?

I was " confined" to 2 small empty bedrooms for my A/V gear(14x16 and 14X15)and they are both upstairs. I have added up the weight of all my equipments and racks/stands in one room and it's about 400 lbs so far . I am looking into some mono-amps and some speakers for the other room. Being living in a city that tends to have some " foundation" issue, is it safe to load up another 200 lbs equipments in the other empty room. The builder is no longer in business so ther is not much help there. Any one who is in the same boat can share a thought or two ?

Showing 1 response by philjolet

you could easily get a ton of people (just 10 to 15 persons) in that room and not think twice about it.

I would not worry...