how much to $pend to claim i am an audiophile?

i am thinking of starting a new hobby. this one seams great! but how much do i have to spend to be able to honestly call myself an audiophile? i saw some grado headphones for about $60 , if i get these can i then make the claim?

Showing 1 response by audiokinesis

If you've ever judged the price of a restaurant meal by how many CD's it costs, you're an audiophile.

If you've ever been able to hear the difference between two sound systems, and cared that there was a difference, you're an audiophile.

If you've ever wanted to spend more money than you make in a week (or month or year) on anything audio-related, you're an audiophile.

If you've ever considered selling blood (or other bodily fluids) to pay for anything audio-related, you're an audiophile.

If you've ever turned off the car radio or boombox because it didn't sound right, you're an audiophile.

If you ever listened anyway even though you could tell it didn't sound right, you're an audiophile.

If you even know what Grado headphones are, you're an audiophile.

If you've ever started or replied to a thread on Audiogon, you're an audiophile.