how much to $pend to claim i am an audiophile?

i am thinking of starting a new hobby. this one seams great! but how much do i have to spend to be able to honestly call myself an audiophile? i saw some grado headphones for about $60 , if i get these can i then make the claim?

Showing 1 response by agonanon

Restock's suggestion is a good one. And choose your nick wisely. I didn't, so am stuck with polysyllabic inanity forever.

Anyways, if you love music and audio stuff then you qualify. Love sounds a bit too hubristic of course, perhaps discriminating is more modern? But a - forgive me - etymological note may help to get clear on your question. There are quite a few words incorporating the Greek verb philein, meaning to love, sometimes as prefix, philosophy say, or suffix, for example, anglophile, audiophile or whatever.

About the headphones - if it's the SR-60's considered, you might also want to consider Sennheiser 580's, a bit pricier, or the 600's a lot more so, especially if your tastes swing more to the classical than to rock/pop. For the latter, Grados in general are a good match, but this is just one opinion and no substitute for first-hand listening with familiar music.