How much “suspension of disbelief do you need?”

We (or most of us) believe that it’s very difficult if not impossible to hear an exact representation of the the sound of a live performance on a recording.
The question is how much do you have to delude yourself into thinking it’s the real thing your listening to, to satisfy yourself.
To some it has to to be as close as possible. But others can make allowances for defects in the sound in order to enjoy the presentation.

‘How much do you need?



Showing 1 response by rodman99999

     "So...I certainly get the attitude "I don’t bother looking for realism, it’s an impossible goal and I just want to hear whatever the recording sounds like and I’m happy."

     But those of us who still use real life sound as a sort of north star or barometer haven’t plunged ourselves in to perpetual dissatisfaction or are doing so in some unrealistic goal. Approached sensibly with realistic expectations, our systems can be deeply satisfying, having been somewhat guided by what we like in real life sounds."

                                                      An emphatic +1