How much space between cables is enough?

I understand that proximity between power cables and interconnects or power cables and power cables is a problem, but is there a rule of thumb as to how much space is required to NOT be a problem. 1/2", 1", 6"? Also, are all cables the same? I would assume that the higher the current, the more isolation, but belief and reality are seldom the same.

Showing 1 response by oldhvymec

Cable art, I got pretty good at it...  then BUMP it! like dominoes. Then there's one kinda tweaked, way the heck in the back of some place.

Mine looked like crop circles at the bass bins.. LOL, coiling XLRs or RCAs. My dog is an acrobat, never touches a thing, good girl.

I been thinking on MC cradle suspension, I'd need a few and rubber bands rot. Need something with a longer life, I think. I've seen clear zip ties, last 30 years, out of the sun. Beed, ladder, flat or round, zip ties might be an ART option, also... They are called Cooler ties, round stock with round cleated locks.
