How much space between cables is enough?

I understand that proximity between power cables and interconnects or power cables and power cables is a problem, but is there a rule of thumb as to how much space is required to NOT be a problem. 1/2", 1", 6"? Also, are all cables the same? I would assume that the higher the current, the more isolation, but belief and reality are seldom the same.

Showing 1 response by mammothguy54

I coil mine around the water heater much differently.  I go from top to bottom, and it must be a minimum of three wraps.  Phenomenal difference!  Enlightening to the Nth degree.  

Though I am kidding, of course, somebody might actually try this.  Oh, what have I done?

 Honestly though, have a good time and just maintain logic, i.e., don't run the power cables close to and/or in parallel to any signal cables.  By all means, enjoy the music.