How much space between cables is enough?

I understand that proximity between power cables and interconnects or power cables and power cables is a problem, but is there a rule of thumb as to how much space is required to NOT be a problem. 1/2", 1", 6"? Also, are all cables the same? I would assume that the higher the current, the more isolation, but belief and reality are seldom the same.

Showing 5 responses by glupson

"Honestly though, have a good time and just maintain logic, i.e., don't run the power cables close to and/or in parallel to any signal cables."

Parallel, or not, close to signal, or not, try not to run cables through the water tank.
"It makes vacuuming so much easier..."

"Hmmm, what is that in that ceiling corner? Spider web or my speaker cables? I'd better be careful when cleaning."

Thanks guys. I like touching minds.

Once we start talking about cable elevators of all sorts, such rooms look boobytrapped to me.

"Do I coil it around the water tank clockwise or counter clockwise?"

It will heavily depend on the side of the water tank you will be doing it from.
Do people really want to be in the room with cables floating in the air hanging on fishing lines?