How much power for Merlin VSM speakers?

I bought a pair of Merlin VSM-MMs and am driving them with a Cary SS amp. While it sounds pretty good I am thinking of switching to a tube amp. I am familiar with the usual OTL suspects most people use like the Berning and Joule. I was wondering if there is anyone out there driving these speaker with a less powerful SET amp. How powerful does the amp have to be in order to not clip? Is the speaker efficient enough and its impedence curve benign enough for low powered amps? Is 30 watts enough? Am I asking the right questions?
At one point, I ran my VSM Milleniums with a WAVAC 572 SET, certainly not your classic flea-power SET, it put out about 50 watts. I seem to recall seeing threads here or on Audio Asylum where people used lower powered amps on VSM's, but I can't remember for certain, so no link.
in a 12x20x9 ft room my 18wpc wellborne amps were excellent. now i have a 14x30x10ft room and i likely need atleast 150wpc.
From powerful[Counterpoint,Ayre] down to 40 a side Rega,the sound is excellent in this 13x22 room.Great,un-demanding speakers,lots of fun , experimenting,everything is working with these so far....keep on truckin,Bob.....and,yes,I am extremely biased,hard not to be,good luck,Bob
how about letting us in on the size of the room, music taste and listening volume. the more complex the material the more power you will need. 75 watts will play complex music at any level but i also have 4 quad IIs at 12 watts each on them at home (in a vertical bi-amp). the speakers have a flat and moderately high impedance which is great for tube amps. they do not go below 6.5 ohms so they are really easy on delicate tube designs too.