How much longer will CDs be made?

I "need" to justify spending $5000-$7000 for an outstanding CD player that will work well with my Spectral/MIT system.
My wife would prefer I buy a new flat panel HI DEF TV and Blu-Ray for movies and have money left over.
She says the SonyXA9000ES I use is perfectly fine for music.
She feels downloading HD music is imminent and figures I won't listen to my CDs when I hear the increased quality of Hi Def music downloads. She's comparing the improvement to Blu Ray movies over DVDs.
Personally, with the DVD-A & SACD demise (which I find sad)
and the exponential growth of lo-fi players I no longer know what to think.
Will CDs continue to be made for at least the next 5 years?
All comments welcome.
If you like gagets, quality and consider your front end the start of where the good sound starts, and you have cash to spare, do it!! High end CD players are forms of art ie AMR, Nagra, Ancient Audio Prime CDP!! A media storage system just doesn't have any appeal even if in the future it could meet the quality of some CDP's. I don't think you would see the hard core vinyl guys give up the TT for a media server. Its the same for high end CD for me anyway. (I just wish I could afford one:)
The quality of the music embedded in what even many may consider inferior Redbook format recordings can be astonishing.

However, even if the entire audiophile community thought likewise it still may not be enough of a demand to prevent a shift into other media forms. But I'd speculate another 4 or 5 years before a serious downturn in production.

I placed my final orders with Amazon and CDJapan this weekend.

Too bad it's over.

I hear vinyl is making a resurgence.

Do you really think they get it, that digital is dead and over?

Somewhere I read, "having eyes to see they see not and having ears to hear they hear not".