How much isopropanol is effective but safe for viny?

I make my own cleaning fluid using isopropanol and distilled water but am aware that some think IPA is not good for vinyl. Since  the contact time is quite limited I think that it is probably OK to use a small amount as a solvent for greasy contaminants. What do you thing know is a safe level? 25  percent, 10 per Cent , or some other level??


Showing 9 responses by invictus005

It will remove your drool and greasy fingers from chicken wings. Water won’t cut it.
Distilled water is a terrible solvent for what’s on a tipical vinyl. Alcohol is great OTOH. 
Yeah, it’s a dealbreaker. 91% is a $1 a bottle at Walgreens. If you can’t afford that, you should be in a different hobby, like collecting cans maybe. 
91% isopropyl is perfect to use on records. Fully soak a large cotton ball until it’s dripping wet and with a good amount of pressure wipe the record back and forth in the direction of the grooves. After going around the entire thing several times and covering all tracks including runout, get a new cotton ball and repeat the process. Keep doing this until the fresh cotton ball remains white and no longer picks up residue. Wave to dry and start on the next side. Use carbon brush several times prior to playing to clean off any small fibers.
@lewm Stop feeding the troll. You can leave a vinyl record submerged in 100% alcohol for 10 years and it will be like new after removed.