How much is "LOUD" still a reference point for some?

Do you feel that with speakers things are about the same as they were in the 1970s?  In the early days of Magnepan, Advent, Dahlquist and more, much of the competition was in speakers that sounded like a Jukebox and played LOUD.   Has this changed or is "LOUD" still the point of reference for many? 


Showing 2 responses by jrwaudio

My room is a bit constrictive so I have my .7's Maggie's 4 ft from the front wall,  7 ft apart & 11 ft from my listening position. My amp puts out 450 watts @8ohms, 650@4ohms & 1,200@1ohms and will do 65amps for 500 milliseconds. Haven't had my sound meter out lately, but guessing around 85/90 db
I try to set my Maggie's loudness level as if I was at a live event and what my Wife will tolerate!
I have a very powerful amp driving the Maggie's 
so the music is very dynamic, even at lthe ower levels