How much is about the recording

For myself, I'm comfortable in knowing I have arrived. At my own personal audio joy through years of empirical data and some engineering knowledge and application. I just wonder how many like minded individuals find as much joy in finding the best recordings vs the perceived next best gear. Peace.

Showing 1 response by sejodiren

I don't have near the audio quality system that most of you have.  I read this forum mostly for info.  But I do own a vintage set of DQ10's and an '80s vintage Proton amp....sister company to NAD I believe.  I'll let my phono and CD player remain un-named as some of you would scoff. LoL  But one thing I really noticed after getting the 10's was the quality of recordings in both formats.  Bad ones sound even more bad.  Most Jazz and Classical sound pretty exceptional...and most electronic as well.  But the rest can run the full gamut from absolute garbage to stellar.  jmho anyway.