I just solved for this very situation. Purchased a Dynavector 20x2L with 0.3 mv and my BAT VK-P5 pre-amp offered a max gain of 56dB which was not enough. Replaced with an Avid Pellar at the 70dB gain setting which is pretty much just right for this cartridge's output.
How much gain is needed in a Phono Preamp for a 0.2 to 0.3mv low output moving coil?
I have been out of audio for 25 years and am now getting back into getting a system. I have looked at Manley Chinook, Ear 834p, and Audio research 5, 6, 7 Phono preamps, after reading thru many or post on Audiogon. All have about 57db gain to 60 bd gain. I have been looking at getting either a Dynavector 10x5, Benz micro Silver, Ortofon Quintet Black, or a used Benz Ruby Z (if I can find the money). Is 57db enough gain for the cartridges. I would also welcome feedback on the Phono Preamp. I am leaning toward the ARC PH7 or Manley. Either would be around the same price. I would prefer to stay with tubes. The turntable is a VPI Prime. Any help or opinion would be greatly appreciated.