How much gain is needed in a Phono Preamp for a 0.2 to 0.3mv low output moving coil?

I have been out of audio for 25 years and am now getting back into getting a system. I have looked at Manley Chinook, Ear 834p, and Audio research 5, 6, 7 Phono preamps, after reading thru many or post on Audiogon. All have about 57db gain to 60 bd gain. I have been looking at getting either a Dynavector 10x5, Benz micro Silver, Ortofon Quintet Black, or a used Benz Ruby Z (if I can find the money). Is 57db enough gain for the cartridges. I would also welcome feedback on the Phono Preamp. I am leaning toward the ARC PH7 or Manley. Either would be around the same price. I would prefer to stay with tubes. The turntable is a VPI Prime. Any help or opinion would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 5 responses by juke4u

Thank you swampwalker, I checked out the chart and it helps a bunch. I didn't want to make a phono purchase and have it limit which cartridge I could use. Most of the cartridges I have looked at are 0.3 or less so I need to find a Phono with at least 60db output.
"Thank You" everyone for the help. I have been away from this so long I will probably never catch up. I am constantly learning things and finding new products. I had looked at the Herron and the ARC Ref. but the price set me back a little. I had never heard of the Orpheus (Transfiguration) cartridge and had to check it out. I like everything I read about the Benz (lowest $1800) and after reading about the Transfiguration cartridges (lowest $2450) I was very impressed. That being said, I am very concerned that with the VPI Prime I may be spending more on a cartridge than I should considering my TT. Please honest opinions, you will not hurt my feelings.Opinions help you learn.
Not sure if anyone tried this. I went to the store that sells Granite counter tops and got the cut out for a double sink for $1.00 (yes a dollar). I had them cut it to my size and edge it for $45.00. All I have to do now is find some feet for isolation. Is sorbothane still a good isolation damper?

Thanks Everyone, Zuddie

I try hard to make a good decision, so I don't have to go thru a bucket of cash trying to get things correct. That is why I started this post. I read reviews just to get a feel for the products but hearing from everybody on Audiogon that have the same interest, means a lot. Sincerely thank you all.  I know the end result is my system and my ears. I have been told by many that synergy is important. Partly the reason I went with the ARC amp and preamp knowing they would mate well and when I want to upgrade they seem to have a good following. I had checked out the AT Art 9 in the last post I did regarding pre and power. I think they were the first to use a nude Shibata tip many moons ago. It seems they have come a long way. I checked the web for an Art 9 and they are no longer made. I saw the Art 1000 and figured it was the replacement for Art 9, but I quickly realized I was completely wrong.
Please keep the comments coming. As you can see I need help but i am getting there.
Thanks again, I keep reading all the good words regarding the AT Art9. When I owned audio stores years ago we sold AT cartridges along with Grado, Denon, and Shure. The best one AT made was $150 and had a Shabata stylus. Compared to the others we sold and got in for demo the AT sounded the worst. I would prefer a LOMC most are around 0.3mv and 60 db of gain is max on most phono preamps and you have no room to upgrade to a cartridge with lower output. I emailed VPI and Marc sent me back a nice email about cartridges on the Prime. He said the Ortofon, AT, or Dyna are good matches for the TT. There are probably others but I only asked about the 4 mentioned.  Didn't have any experience with the Benz on the 3D arm. I wish the Manley had more ourput. One just popped up for $1500 for an older one. It might end up being the Herron only because it gives me more options.
I bid on a Pass XP 15 but did not bid high enough. Is anyone familiar with the Pass Xono?  How would you compare the Xono to the EAR 864P? I have read what I could find. Can the output on the ear be adjusted or is it set?