How much for two 20A lines?

My electrician is coming tomorrow to size up the job to run 2 20A lines on 10 gauge Romex from the service panel to my equipment rack.

For those of you who have done it, what did it cost?
I asked for an estimate over the phone, and got: "I don't want to tell you 400.00 and have it cost 600.00..."

Showing 2 responses by slipknot1

Ok folks, here it goes: the electrician is at my house right now. Having 2 20 amp lines run from panel to equipment area on 10/2 Romex (god, that stuff is thick and stiff), each line on it's own isolated ground. Terminating into 2 boxes, side by side, with Hubble hospital grade isolated ground duplex recepticals. While he is there, he is also installing whole house surge protection on the 200 amp service. Given the additional 200.00, it's a worthwhile investment. The job is costing more than I had hoped, but it's gonna make my equipment much happier....(my ears too, I suspect)