How much do you need to spend to get digital to rival analog?

I have heard some very high end digital front ends and although  they do sound very good, I never get the satisfaction that I do when i listen to analog regardless if its a"coloration" or whatever. I will listen to high end digital, and then I soon get bored, as if it just does not have the magic That I experience with a well set up analog system. So how much do I need to spend to say, " get a sound that at least equals or betters a 3K Turntable?


Showing 1 response by pwhinson

I listen to about as much digital as I do analogue, although I go through periods where I listen primarily to one or the other.  I'm VERY happy with the PS Audio Directstream and the most recent iteration of its FPGA programmed DAC.  It sounds less digital than anything else I've ever heard and is now on a par with the DCS products for far less money.